但し、幽界は人の想念が創り上げたもので本来は存在しない。 人が全て真人となった場合、幽界は消滅する。 その時点に於いては、地上は地上天国となる。
KENKAI (our world, visible world), YUUKAI (hidden world, invisible world), REIKAI (world of spirit), SHINKAI (world of KAMI) exist as parts of SHIKUMI (mechanism) of Worlds. Furthermore, in each world, there are countless JIGEN (layers) that correspond to degree of growth or degree of purification.
However, YUUKAI is created by SOUNEN (notion) of human beings. Originally, YUUKAI doesn’t exist. If every human being becomes MAKOTO BITO, then YUUKAI will disappear. At that time, our world will become Heaven on Earth.
Time and space began at the same time with the start of KENKAI. In REIKAI, SHINKAI there is no time and space like in KENKAI. Because YUUKAI was created by human beings, in the influence of attribute of KO (self-centered desires), time flies faster in YUUKAI. But I don’t know for certain.
顕界以外には、顕界の様な時間と空間は存在しないが、顕界の尺度で言うと、時間も空間も無限と言う事になる。 霊的生命は、浄化を繰り返し、神への旅を無限に続けることになる。
After you die, corresponding to your degree of purification, you will move to KENKAI→ YUUKAI→REIKAI→SHINKAI. You cannot move by your own will, your purification will determine this movement instantly. There is no time and space like KENKAI in these world. From the perspective of KENKAI, these world have infinite time and infinite space. The spiritual existence will keep on purifying to move on the ways towards KAMI.
人には二つの心が存在する。 一つは霊的な心であり、もう一つは肉身的な心である。
浄化の度合いと言うのは、言い換えると真(まこと)の度合いと言う事になる。 このことを理解するには、心には霊的な心と、肉身的な心があることを良く理解する必要がある。
霊的な心が主導権を握れば、霊主心従体属となるし、肉身的な心が主導権を握れば体主心従霊属の状態になる。 すなわち、浄化の度合いによって、最初は体主心従霊属の状態であったのに、徐々に霊主心従体属とに変わって行くと言う事になる。
There are two kinds of heart inside human beings. The first is spiritual heart, the other is physical heart. I mean that degree of your purification is the degree of your MAKOTO. To understand this, it is necessary to understand correctly about these two kinds of heart.
The spiritual heart started from REI (spirit). It is single-minded to MAKOTO. There is nothing except MAKOTO in this heart.
The physical heart exists to keep the existence of KO. Originally, it is the self-centered heart that wants good things to happen only for one’s own self. Depending on which heart takes the initiative, phenomena will change dramatically. And totally different phenomena will happen.
If spiritual heart takes the initiative, then the state in which spirit first, heart second, body third will happen. If the physical heart takes the initiative, then the state in which body first, heart second, spirit third will happen. In other words, depending on the degree of your purification, in the beginning, you are in the state of body first, heart second, spirit third. Then, you will gradually change to the state of spirit first, heart second, body third.
何故、幽界が存在するかと言うと、体主心従霊属の状態で死ぬと、霊界は霊主心従体属の層(世界)なので一気には行けない。 そこで顕界であるこの世と霊界の間に幽界と言うものが存在することになったのである。
The reason why YUUKAI exists is that human being dies in the state of body first, heart second, spirit third cannot go directly to REIKAI where only the state of spirit first, heart second, body third can exist. So, YUUKAI exists between KENKAI (our world) and REIKAI.
YUUKAI is very troublesome world.
The layer in YUUKAI you will go to is decided by the degree of your darkness (desire) as a KO in KENKAI.
Those who think pride is the most important will go to the layer in YUUKAI where pride is the most important. Those who like to hurt or kill will go to the layer where the same people will gather. Those who think money or treasures are the most important will go to the layer that cherish such kind of desire. Those who think sex and orgies are the most important will go to the layer where people of same desire gather.
何故、満足出来ないかと言うと、個としての肉身が死ぬ事によって個(肉身)そのものが存在しないのに、霊的な心を個(肉身)の属性である欲がすっぽり包み込み、個の属性(欲)が働き続けるからである。 個の属性(欲)が目的を達成しても、その喜びを感じ取る肉身が無いから満足出来ないのである。
YUUKAI is an unlimited world, so you keep looking for something to satisfy you but you still in the completely insatiable state forever. Without anyone gives you any advice, everything you get is thing that is important for KO (physical body), so you will fight and strive for superiority forever. Indeed, I think it is that the hell.
Why do I mean “insatiable”? After the death, you lose your body, your spiritual heart is clothed by physical heart (desire), the attribute of KO or your flesh. The attribute of KO (your desire) will continue to work. Even if the attribute of KO (your desire) achieves its goal, you cannot get the feeling of satisfaction because you don’t have the body to feel that joy.
In YUUKAI, the freedom of KO is recognized, so no one can give you any advice. If you don’t try to be aware of anything, you will stay the same forever. In KENKAI, you receive guidance and advice from someone. I think it is truly appreciated.
神様が創りだした顕界(物)の世界は、時間と空間があり有限ではあるが、本来は全て真(まこと)の世界である。 何故なら顕界の全ての物に真善美が組み込まれているからである。真(まこと)は常に調和を生みだす。 調和は美となり、そして喜びを生ずる。
真(まこと)とは神様の想いであり、無限の愛そのもであり、何の混じりも無い純粋そのものである。 人が神と繋がるには、真(まこと)以外に方法は無い。 だが、人が真(まこと)一筋になるには、個としての属性(欲心)を封じ、霊的な心を発現しなければならないので、通常人には難しい。
KENKAI, the world KAMI created, is limited and has time and space. But originally, everything in KENKAI is a part of MAKOTO world. It is because inside everything in KENKAI, there is SHIN ZEN BI which is built inside. SHIN (or MAKOTO) always creates CHOUWA (harmony). CHOUWA (harmony) will become BI (Beauty), then creates YOROKOBI (joy). SHIN (or MAKOTO) is the thought of KAMI. It is MAKOTO that the unlimited love without any uncleanness. For human being to connect to KAMI, there is no other way except MAKOTO. But to become single-minded with MAKOTO, human being has to seal away the attribute of KO (desire), and discovers the spiritual heart. It is very difficult for normal human beings.
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