O-Sensei often talked about SEISEI KAIKU, so I will talk about my current interpretation of this.
結論から先に言うと、生成化育とは開祖直筆の書 「合気道巻之壹」 の序文の一行目そのものである。 序文の一行目には「合気は神の御姿御心より出で真善美なる無限絶対の世界御創造、御経綸の精神なり」とあるが、これを「生成化育とは神の御姿御心より出で真善美なる無限絶対の世界御創造、御経綸の精神なり」と読み換えると理解し易いと思う。
Let me jump to the conclusion: the meaning of SEISEI KAIKU is the first sentence in the preface of “Aikido Maki no Ichi”, a book written by O-Sensei. The first sentence states, “Aiki, born of the form and the heart of KAMI, is the GO-SOUZOU (Creation) of the Unlimited Absolute World, a world comprised of SHIN ZEN BI (Truth, Goodness and Beauty). This is also called KAMI’s will in GO-KEIRIN (SHIKUMI [Mechanism] created by KAMI)”.
So I think it is easy to understand when I interpret like this. “Aiki, or SEISEI KAIKU, born of the form and the heart of KAMI, is the GO-SOUZOU (Creation) of the Unlimited Absolute World, a world comprised of SHIN ZEN BI (Truth, Goodness and Beauty). This is also called KAMI’s will in GO-KEIRIN (SHIKUMI [Mechanism] created by KAMI)”
一番最初の存在は、元つ御祖皇大神ただ一つであり顕界、幽界、霊界、神界は存在しなかった。 最初に神界を創り、その後、顕界、幽界、霊界が構築されて行った。
一元の元つ御祖皇大神の意志で真善美なる核で構成された顕界の世界が創られ、その顕界の世界の進化状況に伴って幽界、霊界が構築されて行った。 神界の神々は、顕界の個の働き、属性を司る(機能を与える)と共に幽界、霊界の層の管理も司るが、働きからみると神界の神々は元つ御祖皇大神の一部とも言える。
In other words, SEISEI KAIKU is the GO-KEIRIN, the state of evolution from the birth of KO (the tangible) to the Unlimited Absolute, within the process of DOUKA (assimilating) by MUSUBI (intersecting), then finally YUUGO (merging) to become one with the Unlimited Absolute.
The first being is MOTOTSU MIOYASUME OOKAMI. There was not KENKAI (visible world), YUUKAI (Hidden world, invisible world), REIKAI (world of spirit), or SHINKAI (world of KAMI) at all. MOTOTSU MIOYASUME OOKAMI, firstly, created SHINKAI, then KENKAI, YUUKAI, and REIKAI.
Following the will of the first KAMI (*Note), MOTOTSU MIOYASUME OOKAMI, KENKAI was created with its core, SHIN ZEN BI. With the growth of KENKAI, YUUKAI and REIKAI were created. The KAMI of SHINKAI manage the HATARAKI (efficacy) of KO (the tangible) and its attributes (give KO the ability to exist and the ability to grow, and develop) as well as the layers of YUUKAI, REIKAI. But from the perspective of HATARAKI (efficacy), the KAMI of SHINKAI are parts of MOTOTSU MIOYASUME OOKAMI. Furthermore, each layer in YUUKAI is created from the thoughts of human beings in KENKAI.
生成化育とは、全てのもの、即ち万有万物(一元の神の被造物全て(顕界幽界霊界神界の全て))が、姿・形やその働きを変えながら調和を保ち、神の御姿御心になるまで成長発展し続けることである。 (尚、姿・形を変え働きを変える為には、異なった姿・形(働き)が結ばれ同化することが必要となる。 同化されると、全く異なった働きを生ずる様になる。 人で言えば、心変わって行う現象が変われば、働きが変わることとなる。 形はもともと有限であるから、その形に囚われる必要は無い)
SEISEI KAIKU means that everything, BANYUU BANBUTSU, (creations of MOTOTSU MIOYASUME OOKAMI [everything in KENKAI, YUUKAI, REIKAI, and SHINKAI]) changes its form and its HATARAKI (efficacy), while maintaining harmony, to keep on growing to become the form and the heart of KAMI. (Furthermore, to change the form, and HATARAKI [efficacy], it is necessary to MUSUBI [intersect with] (*Note) and DOUKA [assimilate] with other different forms or HATARAKI. When they are DOUKA [assimilated], they will produce completely different HATARAKI. Let’s take an example of human beings. If they change their heart to change their actions, then their HATARAKI will change. Shape is basically limited, so it is not necessary to be preoccupied with shape.)
*Note: In Japanese, MUSUBI means “connecting two things of the same quality”. For example, MUSUBI (tie) a thread, MUSUBI (tie) a shoelace, MUSUBI (tie) a belt. But the meaning of MUSUBI here is YUUGO (merging) between two things of different quality. For example, MUSUBI (merger) between IN (Negative) and YOU (Positive), REI (Spirit) and KARADA (Body), between thoughts and actions. New type of form, characteristic, HATARAKI (efficacy) will come out from this merger.
それは、有限の個と無限の神様が一体となり無限になるとも言えるし、全ての存在が原点である真善美そのものになるとも言える。 つまりは永い永い旅をして、原点(出発点)に戻るとも言える。
The area of changing the form and HATARAKI to grow and develop is in the KENKAI, REIKAI, and SHINKAI. If you asked me when this growth and development finish, the answer is as it is said “SANZEN SEIKAI NI ICHIDO HIRAKU UME NO HANA” (Plum blossoms bloom at once in the overlapping worlds of KENKAI, REIKAI, and SHINKAI). It is when the spiritual and KO (the tangible) can have the same form and same heart (thoughts) with the form and the heart of the first KAMI (MOTOTSU MIOYASUME OOKAMI). In other words, they will grow and develop until they are assimilated to become one with the form and heart of KAMI.
It also means limited KO and the unlimited KAMI will become one and unlimited. Every being can become the Source, SHIN ZEN BI. It means that after a long journey, everything goes back to the Source.
現在の顕界の様に、何かの存在の為(例えば人間)に、何か(例えば、自然や動植物)が犠牲になるのは、成長でも発展でも何でもない。 むしろ、これは退化である。 生活が便利になることを成長、発展と見るのは、全くの誤解であり、間違いである。 存在するもの全てがお互いの存在を尊重し、敬い、調和を保ち、全てのもの(見えるもの、見えないもの全て)が満たされ、支え合って(各々の働きが支え合って、あるいは働きが一つとなって、あるいは同化して新たな働きとなって)成長し、発展して行く姿を言う。
As in the current KENKAI, some beings are sacrificed for other beings. For example, nature or animals are sacrificed for the existence of human beings. This is neither growth nor development. Actually, it is backward evolution. It is a complete misunderstanding and mistake to call the convenience in life nowadays as growth and development. True development will only occur when every being respects each other’s existence to maintain harmony. Everything (the visible and the invisible) is satisfied, supports each other (one’s HATARAKI [efficacy] supports each other, or these HATARAKI become unified or assimilated to become new HATARAKI), to grow and develop.
最終的には、個の存在が全体に融合(同化)するので、個が創出した幽界は消滅する。 言わば、発展的解消となる。 幽界には、霊をすっぽり包んだ顕界の個としての欲が存在するが、この欲が消滅することになる。 この幽界にいた霊が欲が消滅する事によって霊界、神界へ自ら浄化し進んで行けるのか、神々の助けを得ながら強制的に霊界、神界へ移行するのか、または、本当に消滅して真善美の核に戻されてしまうのか、今の私には分からない。
At the end, KO beings (the tangible) merge (assimilate) with the Whole, so YUUKAI created by KO will cease to exist. It is, so to speak, dissolved for the better. In YUUKAI, there are desires of KO from the KENKAI (tang ible world) which clothe their spirits. These desires will cease to exist. At this moment, I don’t know whether the spirit in YUUKAI purify themselves to go to REIKAI and SHINKAI, or are aided by KAMI to go to REIKAI, SHINKAI in a compulsory manner, or disappear to return to their Source, SHIN ZEN BI, after the desires cease to exist.
個の存在が、無限絶対の全体に融合すると言うことは、個の属性(個として存在する為の欲、肉身としての欲、我欲)が消え、顕界は神の御心である真善美で満たされる事になる。 言い換えると、人や自然界の形はそのまま残るが、個の属性は全体の属性である真善美に入れ代わると考えれば考え易いと思う。 実際は、個の属性を停止(働かない様にする)し、霊的な心としての真善美が個の属性として働く姿を言う。
KO beings (the tangible) merge with the Unlimited Absolute Whole. That means the attributes of KO (KO’s desire to exist, desire of the flesh, greed) will disappear, and KENKAI will be filled with the heart of KAMI, SHIN ZEN BI. In other words, human beings or the form of nature will still remain, but the attributes of KO (the tangible) will be replaced with the attribute of the Whole, SHIN ZEN BI. In actuality, KO’s attributes will be halted (made not to function), and SHIN ZEN BI as a spiritual heart will begin functioning as KO’s attribute.
実際は、霊主・体属となり、霊的な心としての真善美が主体性を持ち、個の属性は霊的な心の指示に従って働く様になる。 結果的に、我欲は現れなくなるが、形ある人間が五感や機能を失う訳では無い。
Actually, it changes to a state of spirit first, body third. The spiritual heart, SHIN ZEN BI, takes initiative. The attributes of KO (the tangible) will follow the spiritual heart. As a result, greed will not manifest. It doesn’t mean that human beings with their form will lose their five senses or their function.
すなわち、顕界(地上や見える宇宙)は地上天国となり、有限から無限の世界に変わり、はかない命から永遠の命にもなる。 この事は、縦(次元)、横(時間・空間)の融合と言うことにもなるので、個として見える形も取れるが、見えない形もとれることとなる。 個でありながら、全体にもなれると言う事になり、有限である世界・顕界(時間と空間のある世界)にもおれるが、無限の世界(神の世界)にもおれる事になる。
That also means that, KENKAI (earth or visible universe) will become a Heaven on Earth. The limited becomes the unlimited, and our brief life lives will become eternal. This is called the merger of TATE (overlapping worlds), and YOKO (the world with Time and Space)(*Note). In this state, KO (the tangible) has its visible form as well as its invisible form. It exists as KO as well as the Whole. It exists in the limited world, KENKAI, (the world with time and space) as well as in the unlimited world, (the world of KAMI).
*Note: In Japanese, TATE means vertical, and YOKO horizontal. But the meaning of TATE and YOKO here are written as above.
つまり、最後には、幽界だけでなく霊界も無くなり、顕界と神界が融合した形となる。 この融合した世界は無限絶対の世界となる。 無限絶対での個は存在するが、真善美と言う属性をベースとして個は無限絶対の一部となり、個としての最大の自在性を発揮できることとなる。 有限の顕界は、融合する事により、無限絶対の一部となったと見れば良い。
In other words, in the end, both YUUKAI and REIKAI will disappear. KENKAI and SHINKAI will be merged. This merged world will become the Unlimited Absolute World. KO (the tangible) exists in the state of the Unlimited Absolute. And with the attributes of SHIN ZEN BI, KO will become a part of the Unlimited Absolute and can exert the maximum freedom. It is easy to understand when it is described that limited KENKAI, with this merger, will become a part of the Unlimited Absolute.
顕界と神界の融合は、神の目的を達成した形とも言える。 つまり、形なき(個なき)真善美なる無限絶対の世界より、個の世界(顕界、見える世界、相対の世界、時間と空間のある有限の世界)が一元の神様である元つ御祖皇大神によって創られたが、個の生成化育(成長、発展)によって、個でありながら個特有の属性を封じ、全体の属性(神の無限絶対の属性)を発揮することによって、個と全体の融合をなし、個としても全体としても存在することとなる。 このことは、神は形を得たとも言える。
The merge of KENKAI and SHINKAI is also the accomplishment of purpose of KAMI. In other words, from the intangible Unlimited Absolute World of SHIN ZEN BI, the world of KO (the tangible) (KENKAI, visible world, relative world, limited world with time and space), was created by the first KAMI, MOTOTSU MIOYASUME OOKAMI, and through SEISEI KAIKU (growth, development) of KO, KO will still be KO, but it can shut seal away the attributes of KO and exert the attribute of the Whole. Therefore, KO and the Whole will be merged. KO exists as KO as well as the Whole. That means that KAMI gains form.
幽界、霊界は成長、発展の過程で必要となり存在したが、最後に存在するのは顕界と神界が融合したものであり、顕界の個は無限絶対の真善美のみを発揮し、個の属性である我欲は永遠に封印される事となる。 何故、最終的な神界だけにならないかと言うと、神は形あることも望むからである。
YUUKAI and REIKAI are necessary in the process of our growth and development. In the end, only the merger of KENKAI and SHINKAI will exist. KO (the tangible) of KENKAI will only exert the Unlimited Absolute SHIN ZEN BI. Greed, the attribute of KO (the tangible), will be sealed away forever. The reason why not only SHINKAI remains in the end is that KAMI want to have a form.
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